Healthcare Delivery

Financing of healthcare is a dynamic market with constantly changing reimbursement paradigms.  Payers are shifting away from the traditional Fee-For-Service models.  Balancing high-quality healthcare delivery with cost-effective medicine is a challenge for providers and payers.  PennTar helps medical providers with strategic direction through enhanced payment contracts, transformation to current algorithms for payer incentives and introductions to new programs that are in accord with industry trends.

We do not fight market change; we embrace it.  We help Community Practice to make the trend your friend!

PennTar has secured enhanced payment contracts for the Queens County IPA, Inc. ("QCIPA").  Brian Tartell, President of PennTar, also serves as QCIPA's Executive Director, working with community-based private practices to gain access to these lines of business and assist practices in implementing and managing these contracts.  PennTar also assists QCIPA with provider network development and strategic alliances.

  • Practice Transformation
  • PCMH (Patient Centered Medical Home) Incentives
  • Care Coordination
  • Chronic Care Management
  • Annual Wellness Visit Coding and Coverage
  • GPRO and Quality Measures
  • Coding optimization 

VBP (“Value-Based-Pricing”)

The current trend of VBP (“Value-Based-Pricing”) is a concept that we are seeing up and down the healthcare supply chain.   Payers seek partnerships with providers through shared savings or shared risk.  Payers seek relationships with Pharma Companies willing to price new products with VBP on real world data/outcomes.

Business Development for the Pharmaceutical Industry

istockphoto 1126789804 612x612PennTar has helped pharmaceutical companies to identify market access opportunities:

  • VBP opportunities in pricing products on outcomes
  • Payers and Pharma Companies become partners
  • In/Out Licensing Opportunities
  • Sourcing API and Intermediary Suppliers
  • ANDA partners and joint ventures
  • Technology transfer
  • Network access